If you have a rustbucket rotting away in the backyard, a car removal service should help you get rid of your junk car in a matter of hours. But before you pick up the phone and call someone, you should keep a few things in mind.
If you follow these 4 steps, you should easily get cash for cars.
Search for a Reputable Company
There are several junk car removal services in New Zealand, and almost all of them claim to be the best. However, not every company’s claim is true. In reality, some of these businesses have a bad reputation, or they are too small to offer a reasonable price for your vehicle.
Moreover, some companies don’t offer efficient and lightning-fast service like most reputable ones. So, it is better to do research beforehand and take a calculated decision. After all, you don’t want to end up receiving less money for a vehicle that is worth a lot more.
Book a Service Nearby
If you call a car wrecker that is located nearby, you might save some money on towing costs. But if you don’t have one in your area, then it is advisable to choose a high-end company that provides free towing and pickup. This way, you would avoid spending any extra money.

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Keep The Car Info Ready
Before you call car wreckers in your area, you should keep all the information about your car and your location on hand. When they pick up the phone, the company representative will ask you a few easy questions about your vehicle, like its make, model, year, and mileage.
They could also ask about the vehicle’s condition, including its interior, exterior, and tires. If all goes well, you could be asked to provide the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and its ownership information. The last two things are necessary for the company to check the vehicle’s current status.
Once you answer these questions, the company will send someone over to pick up the car.
Get Several Price Quotes
If you are selling your vehicle, you want to get the best price for it in the market. Even if the car is rotting with rust, you wouldn’t want to sell it for free or at a bad price. That’s why you need to get price quotes from various car-wrecking companies. The one that offers you the highest price should be your go-to company.
If the price is reasonable, the company is nearby, the reputation is praise-worthy, and you have all the vehicle’s information in place, don’t hesitate and sell your car without wasting a second. After all, you might not get a better offer later.
So, it is wise to take advantage of the opportunity and earn some good money for your trash car.